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This was so cool! The art is so awesome and the concept is really interesting. I kept dying so I didn't finish but I'm soooo interested in the relationship between these characters. The world you've created is really cool too and so is your system!  I definitely would love a tutorial as well lol. Great game!!!!

Oh I for sure see a tutorial in the future. You are a brave soul for having played it in this state hahah

Thank you so much!! I’m really excited to write more about Lux & Umbra. They’re a mix of some of my favorite tropes!


Really cool tower defense game! I liked the player's art and the enemies a lot. I didn't experience any lag at all on Firefox. Great job! :3


Woohoo! Thank you! I love the work our artists did. And it’s good to hear stories of Firefox cooperating 😂


I had fun with this one.  It was a bit confusing at first but eventually got the hang of it.  Excellent use of the theme and the art is killer.  Great job.  

thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it!! Future builds definitely deserve a tutorial LOL


a wicked solid tower defense! i love the crafting mechanic a LOT, very engaging and fun to figure out what everything does. the art is adorable, i especially love the little enemy sprites. there's a lot of fun story here too! fantastic work

Thank you so much! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

That was a ton of fun!

Immediately the awesome art hits you and it is very impressive. The character portraits and the enemies look awesome!

I was drawn in by the story really well and it dropped enough hints/lore about the world and situation without you needing to go full Star Wars opening story drawl to explain the world.

I'll admit though I feel like you just kinda get thrown into things without much explanation, there's a lot to quickly understand in the crafting/scavenging of the game but thankfully the difficulty isn't too hard so you can kinda wing it and hope for the best.

I ran into a strange bug on level 2 where it just hung after I defeated all the enemies, only happened once and after I restarted it didn't happen again.

By level 3 I had figured out I could just spam changing my attacks as there's no cooldown between selections so I was throwing lightning bolts, torches and pickaxes like a madman! 

There's a really great foundation with this game and I like it a lot. A slower start and a more gradual ease into the mechanics would help a ton if you ever release future versions. Had a lot of fun!